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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - woman


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Перевод с английского языка woman на русский

1. женщина young woman —- молодая женщина; девушка little woman —- маленькая женщина (о девочке); девочка (моя) (в обращении к девушке); ласк. женушка single woman —- незамужняя (женщина) the new woman —- современная женщина; ист. эмансипированная женщина (о суфражистках и т. п.) a woman of fashion —- светская женщина; модница a woman of quality —- знатная дама a woman of pleasure —- женщина легкого поведения a woman of the town (of the street(s)) —- проститутка the strange woman —- библ. блудница a woman of the house —- хозяйка дома a woman of the world —- женщина, знающая людей и жизнь (умудренная опытом); женщина, знающая, как нужно вести себя; светская женщина there is a woman in it —- здесь замешана женщина woman's man —- дамский угодник, волокита woman's wit —- женский инстинкт, женская интуиция woman's reason —- преим. ирон. женская логика 2. собир. женщины, женский пол woman is weaker than man —- женщины слабее мужчин man born of woman —- смертный 3. презр. баба (о мужчине) to play the woman —- вести себя как баба 4. (the woman) типичная женщина; воплощение женственности, женского начала there is something of the woman in his character —- в его характере есть что-то женское it's the woman in her —- сказывается то, что она женщина; в ней говорит женщина there is little of the woman in her —- в ней мало женственности 5. диал. жена; любовница; приятельница (юноши, мужчины) 6. женщина какой-л. профессии (обыкн. в сочетаниях) woman doctor —- женщина-врач council woman —- женщина-член совета woman worker —- работница woman servant —- домашняя работница; служанка 7. работница; служанка two women to help in the kitchen —- две женщины для работы на кухне she sent one of her women —- она послала одну из своих служанок the Queen and her women —- королева со своими фрейлинами Id: old woman —- старая женщина; старушка; пренебр. старуха; моя старуха (о жене); пренебр. старая баба (часто о мужчине)
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См. в других словарях

  World Organization of Mothers of All Nations noun Всемирная организация матерей WOMAN noun  1) женщина; womens rights - женское равноправие - woman of the world - single woman  2) rude баба  3) женственный мужчина, баба - play the woman  4) (без артикля) женщины, женский пол - man born of woman  5) (the woman) женственность, женское начало  6) служанка, уборщица  7) любовница  8) attr. женский; woman suffrage - избирательные права для женщин; woman artist - художница; woman friend - приятельница WOMAN of the world  а) женщина, умудренная жизненным опытом;  б) светская женщина ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. (pl. women) 1 an adult human female. 2 the female sex; any or an average woman (how does woman differ from man?). 3 a wife or female sexual partner. 4 (prec. by the) emotions or characteristics traditionally associated with women (brought out the woman in him). 5 a man with characteristics traditionally associated with women. 6 (attrib.) female (woman driver; women friends). 7 (as second element in comb.) a woman of a specified nationality, profession, skill, etc. (Englishwoman; horsewoman). 8 colloq. a female domestic help. 9 archaic or hist. a queen's etc. female attendant ranking below lady (woman of the bedchamber). Phrases and idioms woman of the streets a prostitute. Women's Institute an organization of women in rural areas to meet regularly and participate in crafts, cultural activities, etc. women's lib colloq. = women's liberation. women's libber colloq. a supporter of women's liberation. women's liberation the liberation of women from inequalities and subservient status in relation to men, and from attitudes causing these. Women's Liberation (or Movement) a movement campaigning for women's liberation. women's rights rights that promote a position of legal and social equality of women with men. Derivatives womanless adj. womanlike adj. Etymology: OE wifmon, -man (as WIFE, MAN), a formation peculiar to English, the ancient word being WIFE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural women)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wifman, from wif ~, wife + man human being, man  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an adult female person  b. a ~ belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) — usually used in combination council~  2. ~kind  3. distinctively feminine nature ; ~liness  4. a ~ who is a servant or personal attendant  5.  a. chiefly dialect wife  b. mistress  c. girlfriend 2  • ~ adjective  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (women) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A woman is an adult female human being. ...a young Lithuanian woman named Dayva. ...men and women over 75 years old. ...a woman doctor. N-COUNT 2. You can refer to women in general as woman. ...the oppression of woman. N-UNCOUNT 3. see also career woman 4. woman of the world: see world ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n plural women 1 »FEMALE« an adult female person  (I was talking to a woman I met on the flight. | married women | a woman priest/driver etc)  (How long will it be until we have a woman President? | women's clothes/organization etc)  (Kate works for a popular women's magazine.)  (- see man1) 2 »FORM OF ADDRESS« spoken a rude way of addressing a woman when you are angry, annoyed etc  (Pull yourself together, woman!) 3 another woman/the other woman informal a woman that a man is having a sexual relationship with, even though he is married to someone else  (I'm sure he's got another woman..) 4 »GENERAL TERM« formal women in general  (A woman's work is never done.) 5 »PARTNER« also the old woman spoken expressions meaning your girlfriend or wife, which many women find offensive  (Did he bring his woman with him?) 6 businesswoman/spokeswoman etc a woman who has a particular kind of job  (a spokeswoman for the charity) 7 be your own woman to make your own decisions and be in charge of your own life, without depending on anyone else 8 woman of easy virtue/woman of the night old-fashioned a prostitute1 (1) 9 »SERVANT« a female servant or person who does works for you in your house  (- see also old woman, make an honest woman of honest (8), man/woman of the world world1 (26), wine, women and song wine1 (3)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  chemis. abbr. Ways Of Marketing Advertising And Networking ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. wimman (pl. wimmen), alteration of wifman (pl. wifmen), a compound of wif "woman" (see wife) + man "human being." The pronunciation of the singular altered by the rounding influence of -w-; the plural retains the original vowel. The formation is peculiar to English. Replaced older O.E. wif, quean as the word for "female human being." Women's liberation is attested from 1966; women's rights is from 1840, with an isolated example in 1632. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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